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Weber Vacuum Coolers for Food

WeFood Multi-Room

For maximum flexibility & performance, with optimized logistics
Food cooling solutions which combine multiple rooms, with one central chiller. Up to 3 rooms can be supplied in a standard configuration, extension to 6 rooms is possible.

Energy & cost efficient, guaranteeing you maximum flexibility and performance. Ideal for medium and larger sized industrial kitchens, where volume & output is key.
Specs – summarized:
  • Vacuum room: Mulitiple DeepCool or OptiCool coolers, combined in one system
  • Door style: Manual hinged (standard) or sliding (option)
  • Ramp style: Inside ramp supplied, outside ramp build to specification
  • Vacuum: Busch or Leybold | Up to 360 m3/hr per room
  • Cooling: Centralized hydronic technology – powered by Aermec (IT) chillers
  • Controls: Individual PLC system for each room
  • E-Power indication: Up to 7,5 kW per room, plus up to 80 kW for the central cooling system.
WeFood Multiroom
WeFood Multiroom Vacuumcooling
  +31 88 425 62 50
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We ARE vacuum cooling
Worldwide leader in vacuum cooling solutions for fresh produce and food. Weber Cooling is part of Strade Consult BV.

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